Having security at your event is always a GREAT idea! Check out these 5 benefits of having a security guard on site for your special day:
When you make the choice to hire security staff, it gives you the peace of mind knowing that, if there is the possibility for something to go wrong at your wedding, a well-trained security guard will be there to deal with it immediately, discreetly & most of all, professionally.
Wedding security guards may also be willing to perform several important tasks you might not have considered, including:
Checking in guests
Security during the ceremony
Security during the reception
Security during a wedding rehearsal, which could be just as disruptive as the actual event, especially if there is a party afterward
Vetting the caterers, anyone delivering flowers or anyone actually working the wedding to ensure they are who they say they are
Providing protection for your guests’ vehicles and helping to transport people between the location of the ceremony and the location of the reception
Crowds can get rowdy and it’s good to know that your security team will be ready to step in at a moment’s notice to calm things down if necessary. The good news is, merely having the presence of security will alert your guests to make good personal choices for the duration of your event. A security presence will anyone think twice about causing any trouble.
Security guards are often trained in first aid and CPR. They are trained to read the signals of when an individual needs help. With security at your wedding, you have the comfort in knowing that there is a designated trained professional there to deal with any emergency situations. While healthcare emergencies are rare at weddings, they can occur.
Some may worry that a security guard will be an intimidating presence. However, professional security guards know how to stay in the background and they often pride themselves on being able to do their job well while keeping out of the way. They understand the importance to carry out their responsibilities discreetly and efficiently. It’s likely that your guests will never know you hired wedding security.
Randy Patterson
Kendyll Zachary
kay3chi6@gmail.com or kendyllzachary@yahoo.com
Scarecrow Security (ask for Austin) scarecrowsec01@gmail.com